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Unstyled HTML Elements

In order to use the inherited Skeleton, there are a number of un-styled HTML elements, that do inherit and react to the Skeleton Provider.

import { Span, Div } from '@dnb/eufemia/elements'
  • Span
  • Div

Example usage of span

const Box = styled.div`
display: grid;
place-items: center;
width: 12rem;
height: 4rem;
padding: 0 1rem;
background-color: var(--color-white);
const StyledButton = styled.button`
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
width: 100%;
&:hover {
color: var(--color-fire-red);
&:active {
opacity: 0.6;
const CustomImage = () => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState(false)
return (
<Skeleton show={state}>
<StyledButton className="dnb-button dnb-button--reset">
<IconPrimary icon="chevron_right" />
<br />
on_change={({ checked }) => setState(checked)}